The Access Energy Cooperative Board of Directors has approved a scholarship program for high school students as follows:
Six $1500 awards, two in each of the cooperative’s three Districts (Click here to see a map of the Districts)
The first $500 will be awarded upon completion of the first semester with proof of enrollment for second semester
The remaining $1000 will be awarded upon completion of first semester of student’s second year with proof of enrollment for the following semester
Recipients must be a high school senior receiving post-secondary education
Recipient’s parents or legal guardians must be members of the cooperative, living in the cooperative service territory
Click here to see information on the 2024 Scholarship Winners.
The deadline for applications is March 15th each year. Find applications at the following:
At all area high school guidance counselor offices
By contacting the Access Energy Cooperative headquarters office in Mt. Pleasant to have one mailed
By downloading an application here, and then emailing, mailing or delivering it to our office
By submitting the online form below before March 15th.
Please attach a brief written response to the following questions:
Name 3 advantages of being a member of an electric cooperative over being a customer of another form of electric utility.
What did the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 do for rural Americans?
What are 3 things you can do to help save energy in your home?
Access Energy Cooperative
P.O. Box 440
Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641