Access Energy Cooperative’s operations are carried out under the policies established by the Board of Directors. Each member of the Board of Directors is an active member of the cooperative and obtains his or her electricity from the cooperative just as every other member does.
How is the Board Organized?
Nine directors serve on the Board of Directors.
Each director is nominated by the membership. Directors serve a three-year term.
Each district is represented by three directors.
There are three districts – Click here to see a map of the districts. You elect the directors from your District.
Election of Directors
Please click here for more information on the election of directors.
How to Run for the Board of Directors
Please click here for more information on how to run for the Board of Directors.
Board Meetings
The board meets monthly at 1800 West Washington Street, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, on the 3rd Thursday, unless scheduling conflicts require the board to amend the regular meeting date.
The 2025 regularly scheduled meeting dates are:
January 16
February 20
March 20
April 17
May 15
June 19
July 17
August 21
September 18
October 16
November 20
December 18
For rules on attendance and participation in membership and board meetings, please click here.
Contact the Board of Directors
If you wish to contact a member of the board of directors, please use the form on the bottom of this page.
Rates charged by Access Energy Cooperative are established by your Board of Directors—with the advice of engineering consultants, accountants, and electric rate specialists. All factors that contribute to the cost of providing service are tabulated and projected, including but not limited to:
Cost of wholesale power
Cost of operating and maintaining the distribution system
Accounting and sales expense
Administrative expense
Depreciation on the investment in power lines, equipment and facilities
Interest on long-term debt
All income in excess of the cost of providing electricity to members is allocated back to the members in the form of dividends. The Board sets the standards for how this is handled. Click here for more information on patronage dividends.
Annual Report
The most recent report was published in the July 2024 edition of the monthly magazine Iowa Electric Cooperative Living, and can be accessed by clicking here.