Cooperatives are owned by the members, or people, who use their service. It ispeople who organize cooperatives to provide themselves with the goods and/or services they need that aren’t being provided for otherwise. Your electric cooperative—Access Energy Cooperative—was formed over 80 years ago by members just like you who needed electric services.
Today, cooperatives are found in every state of the union and serve approximately 120 million people—nearly half of the population of the United States. There are 36 electric cooperatives in Iowa, and Access Energy Cooperative serves over 9,200 meters in Davis, Henry, Jefferson, Keokuk, Lee, Louisa, Des Moines, Van Buren, Wapello, and Washington counties.
Providing electric service the cooperative way distinguishes electric coops from investor-owned and electric utilities. Electric cooperative employees and board members are part of the communities the coop serves. They are involved in community activities, such as safety programs at schools, sponsoring local fairs and events, helping little league diamonds with lighting repairs, as well as many other unique situations and events that need our help.
Cooperative members have a voice and a vote in cooperative matters. Plus any member residing on the cooperative’s lines can qualify to be elected as a board member. And any profits realized by Access Energy Cooperative are returned to the members in the form of dividends.
Our Mission Statement says it all
Access Energy Cooperative is dedicated to exceeding members’ expectations for safe, reliable, efficient service, while being a good citizen in our communities.
Your cooperative’s success is based on seven cooperative principles which emphasize that:
membership is open to all
each member has one vote
members participate financially in the cooperative’s endeavors through the return of patronage dividends
the cooperative will remain independent and autonomous and locally owned and operated
the cooperative will continue to keep the members and employees up-to-date on current information and technology in order to operate as efficiently and effectively as possible
cooperatives work together amongst themselves, and
we maintain a sincere concern for the communities that we serve.
So get involved with your cooperative.
Go to the next annual meeting in August.
Vote for directors—or even run for an open position on the board.
Sign up for the “Access to Green Energy” program to purchase renewable energy.
Make a contribution to RECare to help the low income and elderly.
Check out our rebate program.
Or just let your voice be heard on an issue. We’re here for you—and because of you!