The Access Energy Cooperative Board of Directors voted to change the rate structure for the single-phase rate class that includes residential accounts and the small commercial rate class. This change is being made to better align member bills with the cooperative’s power costs. Effective April 1, 2024, Single-Phase and Small Commercial accounts will be billed a demand charge. Large Commercial and Large Power rate classes are already billed a demand charge.The cooperative has been educating the members on understanding what demand is and how to control it, and we will continue this effort. For more details on demand, please read the Staff Perspective article on the next page.
The cooperative will continue to provide information on energy demand in this magazine and on the cooperative website at Members are free to call our office with any questions at 1-866-242-4232. We will hold an informational meeting in each of the three cooperative districts to help explain demand and allow members to ask questions. All members are invited to attend and encouraged to ask questions. These meetings will be held as follows: